Sunday, March 27, 2011

LIVE: From Bujumbura, Burundi!

Hello out there!

This is my first blog EVER and it's coming out of a rainy Sunday afternoon in Bujumbura, Burundi.  My husband, Jan, is playing with our kids (sounds like some version of horsey/lion pride, if I had to bet) while I'm in my home office working/hiding/writing.  Instead of sending out emails over life and times here, I'm switching to a blog format with the hope that I'll write more regularly and be able to share photos with friends, family, and anyone else considering a move to Burundi (I know you're out there - we were in that situation a mere 7 months ago...).

If it weren't raining, the view from our kitchen porch would be this: down the mountain into central Bujumbura, with Lake Tanganika and the mountains of DR Congo in the distance.  Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for this landscape.

It's the rainy season now, which sometimes means crazy loud thunderstorms, but today means one of those damp fall-like days where it's just gray and rainy.  No better way to interject a bit a life into such a blah afternoon than a quick trip to Ice World, the latest edition to Bujumbura's kid-friendly scene: a soft-serve ice cream joint!  Here I come, boys!

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